based on reading all of the wardrobe Confessionals you people have submitted considering that we started our bit experiment a couple months ago, I’ve observed that there are two prime times for getting into designer bags, roughly: when you’re in college as well as just starting to believe of yourself as an adult, as well as when you’re around 30, which is likely since that’s when a lot of people’s post-collegiate lives begin to stabilize, their finances begin to firm up, as well as nicer clothes are commonly called for for occupation reasons.
I’m part of that very first group—I have an eBay count with old Balenciaga bag transactions on it dating back to like 2006—but this week, we wished to hear from somebody who took a less normal path to purse fandom. This week, not only did we discover somebody who got into bags after her own kids were grown, however likewise whose other half assisted stimulate the interest.
As always, if you want your bag routines to be featured anonymous, take the survey below as well as we may pick you!
Share Your own Confessional!
Cele elementare
Age: 64
Gender Identity: Female
Location: Bay Area, California
Occupation: worker benefits Broker
Industry: Insurance/Finance
Income: $275,000
Are you a PurseForum member? da
How lots of bags do you own? 30+
How much is your collection worth? $125,000
What is your a lot of costly bag? A couple of Chanel Reissue 226 Flap Bags in the jumbo size.
What are the most crucial brands or pieces in your collection? LV, Chanel, Bottega Veneta, Dior, Ferragamo
What age did you get your very first designer bag, as well as what was it? 58. Louis Vuitton absolutely Bag, bought in France
Any specific bag that holds a special emotional value? any type of of the the ones that my other half gotten for me. He’s an enabler! I just recently bought a hand-crafted bag from Jennifer Tattenelli in Florence. No logos, no identifier, other than it is totally handmade. So stunning as well as so under the radar.
Do you feel like your bags modification people’s perceptions of you or exactly how you’re treated? Nu chiar. In daily life, it seems two out of three women in the San Francisco Bay area are bring an LV. Of course, if I walk into a shop or department store, obviously, my bag will be recognized. as well as none of my good friends bring designer bags. I’m not sure what my sisters think, as well as I don’t want to know.
How commonly do you get new bags? 3-5 a year
Which stores do you regular the most? I like buying in the shops around the Bay Area, as well as of course, if I’m traveling, then I need to stop as well as shop. When traveling, I like to shop in Las Vegas, Florence as well as Paris. I particularly like checking out the factory stores in Florence. You can discover stunning handbags that rival the designers, albeit without the logo, for much less than you’d pay in the boutiques.
Do you ever get second-hand bags? Where do you get used? My other half is extremely great at buying as well as selling on eBay.
Do you offer old bags to pay for new purchases? Not really, however occasionally, I barter with my other half as well as say, “Hey, I’ll get this as well as I pledge to offer this.” Which indicates he has to offer it for me (take pictures, compose a description, manage the logistics). I’m extremely thankful for his efforts. however truly, I most likely keep those promises about 50% of the time. LAUGH OUT LOUD!
Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase a lot more bags? Nu chiar. At this point, after having a lot more than 90 designer bags (most have been sold), I understand what my taste is. I like classics as well as neutral colors. If I don’t “bond” with a bag, I’ll provide it a few a lot more months, then try using it once again as well as if I’m not feeling it, then it has to go. I don’t do “pity” uses (feeling sorry for a bag that is languishing in my closet).
Do you think about your bag purchases investments? Deloc. I question I’ve ever made money selling a bag! perhaps if I discover to hold on to them for 20 years.
Who influences your getting decisions? Soțul meu. He has excellent taste, a sharp eye as well as understands me so well. I likewise have two excellent SAs at LV as well as Chanel.
Are sales partner connections instrumental to your shopping? In unele cazuri. As pointed out above, I have two connections that I keep up at the boutiques. I’m not breaking any type of news here, however in life, connections are our foundation.
Why do you take pleasure in shopping, beyond just obtaining something new? Desigur! I’m a severe shopaholic! Isn’t that what the Web is for? I have a good friend who can walk into any type of store, thrift, or consignment store as well as area the most fantastic thing to buy. however that’s not me.
Have you ever felt like you got inferior service at a store or shop because of your appearaNCE, etnie sau sex? Sigur, am fost aruncat ocazional, însă nu este vorba despre un anumit brand. Adesea sunt ocupați, agravați sau pur și simplu nu ne -am angajat. Cu toate acestea, nu există nimic ca un SA care să te înțeleagă, precum și gustul tău. Sugestiile ies în mod obișnuit din spațiul din spate sau din sertar ascuns. În 2013, Chanel SA preferat (care tocmai s-a retras) a scos acest tip de piele de miel de kelly, pe care nu-l mai văzusem niciodată. Are Chanel într -o bară placată cu aur în partea de sus, la fel de bine ca și eu! (Acum, barul este mai degrabă prezent în ofertele Chanel). Cea mai bună dimensiune, formă, greutate, precum și în formă pentru o regină!
Cine plătește pentru gențile tale? Fac.
Puneți deoparte un plan bugetar pentru achizițiile de geantă? Nu.
Subiectele tabu
Ați cumpărat vreodată o falsificare, deoarece nu ați putut plăti pentru un articol de designer? Nu.
Ascunde vreodată achiziții de la celălalt considerabil? Nu, cu toate acestea, el este excelent la ascunderea pungilor, precum și apoi să le ofere în zilele de naștere, precum și aniversări.
Care este cel mai nebun lucru pe care l -ai făcut pentru a plăti pentru o geantă? Pe lângă faptul că apelează pentru a oferi o geantă pentru a obține o geantă? Nu
Crezi că cumpărarea ta este vreodată o problemă? Nu.
Alte hobby -uri sau pasiuni costisitoare? Nepoții mei. La fel de bine ca și cum spun întotdeauna, nu există cea mai bună poșetă, caut mereu un nou machiaj.
Pentru mine, gențile de mână sunt distractive, precum și întotdeauna despre satisfacția de a aduce o piesă bine creată, clasic, care îmi amintește exact cât de dificil am lucrat, precum și tot ceea ce am realizat în viața mea, așa că departe. După cum am spus, nu există cea mai bună geantă. Deși aș dori să încerc să stil unul! Îmi place să joc jocul „Dacă s -ar putea să aveți o singură poșetă …”